2021-2022 Year of the Family!  
Under the patronage of St. Joseph, Pillar of Families

Parent’s Night Out –
Tonight! It’s Not Too Late!

Saturday, September 25th at 6:30 p.m.
Grandpa’s Place, 1868 Prairie Street, Glenview, IL

Come join us for our Embers Fall Parents’ Night Out! What a great opportunity to get acquainted and foster friendships—old and new! Appetizers and drinks will be served. We would love to see as many Embers parents as we can! 

This event is hosted by the Embers Parent Association. Please contact Christina Williams at parentassociation@embersacademy.org  with any questions.

Punchbowl Invitation

Fifth Grade Leadership Day

The Fifth Grade class participated in Leadership Day on Friday.  It was an awesome day filled with activities and discussions about friendship, leadership, and service.   Northridge and Willows students visited and talked to the 5th graders about these topics and how they can use their gifts and virtues to have a successful transition to middle school. They also enjoyed a pizza lunch and team building games together!

Sweet Goodbyes!

We have had a great three weeks and our Sparks are slowly getting into the swing of things! We kindly ask parents to show your child that you have confidence in them by allowing them to walk to their lockers and classrooms all by themselves! 

Starting next week, we ask that you say your ‘sweet goodbyes’ by either using the drop-off line or walking them only to the Breezeway entrance. Enabling them to accomplish this small task will help reinforce their confidence in themselves as an Embers Spark.  Teachers are there to guide them to ensure they learn this morning routine.

Cross Country News

Congratulations to the Cross Country Team on their final Meet!  Everyone competed well and had a great season! AJ Ravago received a trophy for 11th place and medals were won by Lauren Beall, Ava Donahue, Thalia Avila, Javier Humber, David Barder, James Anastasi, Michael Carpenter, Andrew Paschall, Jaxon Quinley, John Paul Duffy, Paul Malone, Tommy McShane, Joseph Bahjat! Go Sparks!

Chess Club is Back!

By popular demand – and back to some normalcy! – We are happy to announce the return of Embers Chess Club! Chess Scholars will return to our campus to provide an after school activity for Kindergarten thru 5th grades.

When:  Tuesdays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Cost: $145 Early Bird price if registered by October 9th 

Chess Club Registration

Child Home Sick

Parents, if your child is feeling sick or exhibits any sort of symptom, please keep them at home. Thank you for helping us maintain a healthy learning environment for  all of our teachers, staff and students! 

If your child’s symptoms do require being kept home, please coordinate classwork and homework assignments with his/her teacher via email. Please know that you may come to school between 3:30 and 4:30 pm to pick up your child’s homework and necessary books.

Grandparent Information 

Grandparents are special people in your family! We are happy to keep these important people informed about all that is happening at Embers. Please send the name, address, and email address of all the grandparents in your life to to Mrs. Casaletto at scasaletto@embersacademy.org.

Embers Phones Down

We are still experiencing trouble with our phone system but are working to get the problem resolved.  In the meantime, please email any questions, attendance information or other office-related issues to:

Mrs. Casaletto at scasaletto@embersacademy.org 

Mrs. Donado at ndonado@embersacademy.org

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Little Sparks Playgroup

Little Sparks

Dads Discuss the Faith

Embers Dads are invited to Dads Discuss the Faith on Tuesday evenings, 6:00-7:00 pm at Northridge Prep. Upcoming topics include:

  • October 5 – Vocation to Marriage
  • October 26 – St. Thomas More on Friendship

Click below for more topics and information.

Dads Discuss the Faith Information

Medical Forms: Medical, Dental, Vision    Illinois Food Allergy Form

serving students in PK3 through 5th  grade
8340 N. Greenwood Avenue, Niles, IL 60714  |  847.518.1185  |  info@embersacademy.org    Copyright © 2021 Embers Academy, All rights reserved.

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