James Klatt
3rd Grade Teacher
As a member of the United States Army Reserves, James knows a thing or two about the importance of leadership – a passion he ignites in his students as well. James earned his degree in Psychology from the University of Dallas, where he completed ROTC and was subsequently commissioned as an officer in the United States Armed Forces. After graduation, James worked at Brilla College Prep Elementary as a Seton Teaching Fellow in grades K-4. At Embers, James strives to incorporate Catholic values into education while creating a nurturing learning environment.
An avid Hugh Howey fan, James enjoys unwinding with a good book or a friendly game of Catan where he can practice strategic thinking, coupled with friendly competition. Volunteering is a significant part of his life, with a focus on Catholic charities and the great friendships he has formed through those opportunities. James’ home parish is Christ Our Hope, in Highland Park and St. James Parish, in Arlington Heights.