Formation in the Catholic faith is the foundation of an Embers education. The goal of parents and teachers is to raise every student to be a strong witness of the Catholic faith and ensure that they view themselves as beloved children of God.
How does a Spark learn the faith?
1. Experience
Students experience their faith by living it daily, both at home and at school.
2. Virtue
Embers faculty and staff are the examples of virtues to your child with their personal and professional lives.
3. Truth
Daily, your child is presented with the truths of the Catholic faith, communicated by a premier catechetical program.
4. Divine Filiation
Your child is presented with the truth of divine filiation, that he or she is a beloved and cherished child of God.
5. Piety
Students learn to embrace the tenets of the Catholic faith through participation in faith practices and traditions that are incorporated into the school days and which resonate with the natural piety that exists in children’s hearts.
Faith at Embers
Embers Sparks learn the Faith by truth, piety and experience.
Students’ learning environment and their school day incorporate Faith practices and traditions including weekly all-school Mass, daily prayers, and all-school rosaries, to name a few.
Our catechetical program aims to satisfying your child intellectual curiosity and answering his or her big questions: Who am I? Who made me? For what purpose? Where am I going?
Religion Curriculum
- Images of God (Ignatius Press)
- Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program
- Spirit of Truth (Sophia Institute for Teachers)
- Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program
Grades 1 – 5
- Faith and Life Series (Ignatius Press
Divine Filiation
Embers is imbued with the spirit of Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Church that seeks to support the laity in striving for holiness, in ordinary life, in the middle of the world. This well of optimism is presented to your child with the truth of divine filiation: that he or she is a beloved and cherished child of God.
Students’ reverence for God is strengthened through all-school participation in faith practices:
- All-School Mass
- Daily classroom prayers in the morning, at noon, and at the end of the dayVisits to the Blessed Sacrament
- Weekly confessions made available
- Classroom and All-School Rosaries
- Stations of the Cross during Lent
- Celebrations of major feast days and special liturgical events, such as Our Lady’s May Crowning