Will You Crack the Code?
The safe at the Chateau Ritz contains an amazing prize, but it’s locked up tight. Never fear! Ocean, Rusty, and the entire “Embers Eleven” team has been enlisted to help you crack the code. Can you follow their clues and solve the ultimate puzzle to open the safe?
Join us for this fabulous night in Monte Carlo! This year’s Extravaganza will be an interactive evening of food and drink, friendship and fun. Be on the lookout for information about our event raffle, auction items, and more. Tickets are now on sale at the link below; we cannot wait to celebrate with you!
Bursting with Activity
It was quite the festive week at Embers as we celebrated many highlights throughout our campus:

3rd Grade enjoyed an ice cream reward for bringing in the most diapers in our Diaper Duel.

Doughnut holes were delivered to each classroom in celebration of Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday.

Mrs. Mikan’s Kindergarten class really went Red for Rosewod!

Miss Noteman’s 1st Grade class solved Valentines-themed worksheets.

Mrs. Baehl & Mrs. del Rosario’s PreK4 class shared yummy treats.

Mrs. Donovan’s 1st Grade class created beautiful Valentine’s Day artwork.

Miss Miller’s Kindergarten class decorated bags for their Valentine’s Day treats.

The 4th and 5th Grade classes came together to read Valentine’s stories about friendship.
Tuition Assistance for 2024-25
Our Tuition Assistance Committee oversees a needs-based tuition assistance process and is committed to helping reduce the financial burden of tuition for qualified families. Applications for Tuition Assistance may be completed on the Blackbaud Financial Aid Management website after the student’s contract has been submitted. For more information, please refer to the Tuition Assistance Guide HERE.
If you have any questions about the Tuition Assistance application process, please contact our Business Office at business@embersacademy.org.
Rolling Admissions Now Open
Enrollment contacts for new families are now being accepted. We encourage all current families to finalize your 2024-25 re-enrollment contracts as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please refer to the step-by-step re-enrollment guide HERE.
Dear Families,
President’s Day is a unique holiday–so unique, in fact, that we can’t agree on how to spell it. Depending on which state and jurisdiction you live in, the local spelling might be President’s, Presidents’, or even simply Presidents. The origin of President’s Day is still reflected in the official name of the holiday declared by the federal government: Washington’s Birthday. Born February 22, 1732, Washington lived a lifetime of courage, prudence, and service.
After the Revolutionary War, Washington resigned his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. Instead of holding onto power, he returned to his beloved Mount Vernon until he was called into service for his country once again. Nineteen days prior to his resignation, a colonel in the army wrote of Washington’s farewell to his officers:
“The simple thought that we were then about to part from the man who had conducted us through a long and bloody war… and that we should see his face no more in this world, seemed to me utterly insupportable. But the time of separation had come, and waiving his hand to his grieving children around him, he left the room…. We all followed in mournful silence to the wharf, where a prodigious crowd had assembled to witness the departure of the man, who, under God, had been the great agent in establishing the glory and independence of these United States.”
How could a mere man live such a life of virtue as to inspire this scene?
It began with his youth and education. One example that speaks to his upbringing is what today we call Washington’s Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation. A young George, working on his penmanship, copied 110 rules into his study book, most of them from a French Jesuit book on etiquette. Rules such as “every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present,” and “labour to keep alive in your breast that little celestial spark called conscience” helped to form his character from an early age. The results speak for themselves.
I keep a copy of his book in my office, where any of your Sparks are welcome to borrow it, as we faculty and staff at Embers Academy continue to strive for always better character formation.
Christopher Goffos
A Daddy Daughter Delight!
The Embers Parents Association’s Daddy Daughter dance was a huge success, full of dance floor – and photobooth! – fun! Thank you to the amazing team of volunteers who made this event a night to remember:
Marta Mikula, Coordinator
Diana Covelli
Anita Elackattu
Angela Flood
Buzz Theodoropoulos
Christina Williams
Dads Club This Week!
Thursday, February 22
6:15 p.m. | Northridge
The meaning of windows is twofold.
As husbands we strive for an understanding of our wives that is, well, as clear as glass. We’re also wise to take those windows of opportunity to love our wives in the ways that have the most meaning for them. Join Bob as he offers the most practical guidance on winning your wife’s heart every day for years to come!
Refreshments, wine, cheese, & beer will be served. Please RSVP to MichaelGray98@gmail.com
Thank You, from Rosewood!
Thank you to all the Sparks who wore red on Tuesday to raise funds for the Rosewood Foundation. Together we raised over $300 which will help provide students in need of additional learning support the opportunity to receive a Catholic education at Embers and Catholic schools throughout Chicagoland!
Art Club: Introduction to Architecture
Art Club is excited to offer their second session, Introduction to Architecture, open to 4th and 5th Grade Sparks. Class will be held on Mondays from 3:15-4:15 in the Embers Art Room, beginning March 4th. Deadline to register is Friday, March 1st. For more information or to register, please click the link below!
The Week Ahead:
-NO SCHOOL: President’s Day Break
-EPA Dads Club (6:15 p.m. | Northridge)
Upcoming Events:
-Trimester 2 Ends (Report cards available 3/11)
-Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly
-Trimester 3 Begins
-Terra Nova Testing Begins
-Art Club: Architecture Begins
-Tuition Assistance Applications Due
Natalie Donado: School Office Secretary
Uniforms, school supplies, hot lunch, Extended Day Program (EDP), and general questions about the school day.
Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Medical and allergy forms, birth and baptismal certificates, and student records.
Christina Williams: Director Parents Association
All families are welcome to help with the EPA! More information on volunteer opportunities are available here.
Lisa Hanretty: Director of Development
Annual Fund, Extravaganza, and other donation opportunities.
Karen Reardon: Registrar
Information and questions about myEmbers!
Lelia Harig: Business Office Manager
Tuition and billing questions.
Christopher Goffos: Headmaster