Spirit Week Starts Monday!

Our annual Paddle Raise will take place on Extravaganza night to support Embers Academy. This year’s Fund-A-Need focuses on necessary updates of our school, in addition to funding overall operational expenses.

Updated West Wing Bathrooms:
Nearly 70% of our Sparks use the West Wing bathrooms daily, including our youngest students in PK-2nd Grade and the older students who attend EDP programs. The facilities that currently exist are frequently broken due to being beyond their life expectancy. The original urinals and stalls were installed for older occupants and are physically too large to meet the needs of the students using them. This results in a mess and an unwelcoming atmosphere in the entire West wing.

  • Renovations to both the boys and girls bathrooms
  • Replacement of stalls
  • Replacement of dilapidated toilets to include smaller-sized toilets
  • Replacement of sinks
  • Modification to the boys’ urinals to make them accessible to our younger Sparks
  • An overall aesthetic facelift

Music Department Enhancements:
Additionally, our Fund-A-Need will go towards providing an improved experience for the more than 120 Sparks who have fostered a love of music through weekly music classes, band lessons, and the Fire Choir. Advancements in our music department will allow for a more comprehensive experience and exposure to new musical opportunities.

  • Procurement of essential instruments and equipment
  • New microphone/sound system
  • New electric keyboard/piano
  • Additional instruments as budget allows

It’s easy to see how badly we need to raise these funds! Please join us on Extravaganza night and raise a paddle and help create a better school for our Sparks.

Purchase Extravaganza Tickets

In order to make Extravaganza a success, we are looking for volunteers! There are several opportunities available, each with a different time commitment. We know everyone’s time is precious and we appreciate any help you can provide! Click the link below for more information on volunteer opportunities or to register.

Extravaganza Volunteer Form

3rd Grade is making a run for the crown!
Our 3rd class was so excited to learn that they’ve moved into second place and are only FOUR tickets away from passing PK4. But don’t look now – Kindergarten Grade is only 14 tickets away from claiming the top spot. It’s anyone’s game! Will PK4 hold the lead? Will a spoiler come from beyond the top 3? Competition is fierce and there are only FIVE DAYS REMAINING to purchase your raffle tickets!

Raffle ticket sales end Thursday, March 2nd at Noon.

Buy Tickets Now!

Mardi Gras & 100 Days of School
What to do when Mardi Gras and the 100th day of school land on the same day? Celebrate! On Tuesday morning, our band students processed the hallways playing a traditional New Orleans Mardi Gras serenade. Following behind were the 5th Grade Sparks – dressed as 100 years old! – handing out donut holes to each classroom they passed. It was a fun way to kick off the week!

Re-Enrollment Contracts

Contracts for current students are due Tuesday, February 28. Interest for new families opens on Wednesday, and returning families who have not enrolled by February 28 could be placed on a waitlist.

Tuition assistance applications are also being accepted. These applications are due on Friday, March 17. For detailed information on how to apply for tuition assistance, please follow the link below.

Re-enrollment & Tuition Assistance Information

Upcoming Schedule Reminders:

  • Monday, March 6: No School / EDP
  • Monday, March 13 – Friday, March 17: Spring Break. No School / EDP

Ash Wednesday at Embers
My ears had heard about you, but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore, I relent and find comfort on dust and ashes.
Job 42:5-6

Literacy Month Kickoff

March is Literacy Month! Our Literacy team has a lot of exciting things planned for the month, so be on the lookout for more information at the end of this week.


Terra Nova Testing
Terra Nova Testing for all 3rd-5th grade students will be March 7-9, with a makeup day on March 10. Please do NOT schedule vacations or appointments during this week.

Parents, please plan ahead to help your students shine!

Trimester II
Trimester II ends on Friday, March 3rd. Report cards will be be available on
myEmbers! starting Saturday, March 11.

The Week Ahead:
Monday, February 27 – Friday, March 4: Spirit Week
Monday: Super Hero Accessories
Tuesday: Indoor Picnic
Wednesday: Silly Socks
Thursday: Sports Team Shirt
Friday: Spirit Shirts & Crazy Hair / Hat

Tuesday, February 28
Last day for current student re-enrollment

Wednesday, March 1
Last day to purchase Extravaganza tickets
Re-enrollment opens to new families

Thursday, March 2
Last day to purchase Raffle tickets (Noon)

Friday, March 3
Virtue Assembly
Trimester II Ends
Student Spark’stravaganza Celebration

Upcoming Events:
Monday, March 6
No School or EDP

Tuesday, March 6 – Friday, March 10
Terra Nova Testing

Wednesday, March 8
Little Sparks

Monday, March 13 – Friday, March 17
Spring Break: No School or EDP


Who to Contact

Natalie Donado: School Office Secretary
Uniforms, school supplies, hot lunch, and general questions about the school day.

Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Medical and allergy forms, birth and baptismal certificates, and student records.


Karen Reardon: Registrar 
Information and questions about myEmbers!

Lelia Harig: Business Office Manager
Information and questions about Extended Day Program (EDP).

serving students in PK3 through 5th grade

8340 N. Greenwood Avenue,  Niles, IL 60714
www.embersacademy.org  |  847.518.1185  |  info@embersacademy.org

Copyright © 2023 Embers Academy, All rights reserved.

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