Ticket Discount Ends Today!
Today, Saturday, March 8 is the final day to purchase Extravaganza tickets at the discounted price. We hope you will join us for a festive evening as we celebrate Embers and honor Mrs. Tammy Dabe on her 20-year tenure as preschool teacher. Each ticket includes a full open bar and featured cocktail, passed hors d’oeuvres and four-course dinner, live music by the Northridge Jazz Combo, and video entertainment from our very own Sparks. It promises to be the perfect night out for couples and friends. We hope to see you “at the races”!
Final Day for Sponsorships & Program Ads
Our event sponsors and program advertisers greatly contribute to the success of our annual Extravaganza. Today is the final day to participate at these levels!
Click for more info and to purchase a sponsorship
Click for more info and to purchase a program ad
If you have any questions, please email events@embersacademy.org.
Report Cards Released Friday
Yesterday marked the end of our third quarter; this year is flying by! Report cards will be available in your myEmbers account starting Friday at 5:00 p.m.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held on Friday, March 28 from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. The online scheduler (PickATime) will be available in next week’s Spark News. Conferences are 15 minutes each and Grades 3-5 will have combined meetings with both teachers. These conferences are intended for parents only. Please note that there will be no school that day to accommodate conferences.
Tax Information
Year End Statements for tax purposes are available to school families through their Blackbaud Tuition Management (BTM) Account. Step-by-step directions can be found HERE.
Administrative Update
Our wonderful Registrar, Karen Reardon, has accepted a great professional opportunity at another school. We are thankful for her dedication and the positive impact she has had on our Embers community. Please join us in wishing her all the best in this next exciting chapter of her career!
Beginning today, please note the following administrative updates:
Christina Williams: Dir. of Operations
MyEmbers, student records, registration, and Extended Day Program.
Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Marla’s lunch, student absences/late arrivals/early dismissals, and general questions about the school day.
Pablo Boville: Dean of Faculty
Report cards
Business Office
Tuition and Billing Questions

Bob Mersch
Bob has joined us as a P.E. teacher for 3rd-5th Grade Boys. He is also an assistant track coach for Northridge’s track team.

Marta & Marta
Marta Martinez (left) and Marta Aranda (right) have joined us as student teachers from the University of Villanueva in Madrid.
Registration Due Thursday
Sparks in 3rd-5th Grade are invited to sign up for Art Club: Introduction to Architecture. Students will be challenged with an array of small projects, from sketching with a ruler, paper, and pencil, to modeling with cardboard, foam, and/or wood. Click HERE for more program information. Registration is due by this Thursday, March 13.
Spring Enrichment Classes Now Enrolling
Registration for both programs is due Monday, March 24.
- Bricks 4 Kidz is available for Sparks in PreK-5th Grade. For complete program information, please click HERE. To enroll, click HERE.
- Chess Scholars is available for Sparks in K-5th Grade. Click HERE for more information. To sign up, please click HERE and enter course code EMB1.14.25.

PreK displays their ashes on Ash Wednesday

Little Sparks Spanish kicks off their immersive learning class.

3rd Grade is all smiles during snack time.

4th Grade presents their book report dioramas.
On Tuesday, our faculty and staff were treated to a delicious March Appreciation Lunch with families showcasing their favorite dishes. Thank you to Kindergarten class parents for this feast, as well as our volunteers:
Jamie Simon
Crystal Floeder
Mary Therese Brown
Marzena Sipiora
Jennie Sledz
Konrad Sulima
Michelle Parada
Lands’ End Discount This Week!
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