Our students have been ‘Popping Open A Good Book’ all month long as we celebrated Literacy Month. With one week left, we’re ready to turn up the celebrations!
Monday: Carnival Wheel
Teachers will spin a wheel to reveal the day’s special book.
Tuesday: Dress as your Favorite Character
Students may come to school dressed as their favorite book character and bring the book with them. Costumes must be appropriate for school and follow out-of-uniform guidelines.
Wednesday: Read with a Buddy
Our older Sparks will read a book to their younger buddies.
Thursday: Create Your Own Carnival Story
Students will create their own carnival story and enjoy a special treat.
Friday: Carnival Day!
We will celebrate the end of Literacy Week with a carnival in Paluch Hall on Friday afternoon. All students will receive 5 carnival tickets for games or snacks.
Did You See Yesterday’s Handouts?
Bookmark Contest
All students in grades K – 5 are invited to participate in our annual Bookmark Contest. Bookmark templates and instructions were sent home yesterday. One winner will be selected per grade and each student will receive a bookmark with their grade’s winning design! Entries must be received by Thursday, May 2nd.
Reading Bingo
Yesterday, students brought home Reading Bingo cards. If a student completes any row of fun reading activities at home during Literacy Week, they will receive 5 EXTRA carnival tickets for Friday’s Carnival. All completed Bingo Cards are due to their teacher by Thursday, May 2nd.
Final Moms Club is Monday!
Learn how to make a quick and nutritious meal, perfect for the entire family! RSVP’s are needed by tomorrow, Sunday, April 28 so that enough materials are available. There is a $10/person fee for this experience, which includes food for all participants. Feel free to bring cash or check to the event, or Zelle: epa@embersacademy.org. Friends are always welcome to join us!
Teacher Appreciation Week
Our teachers were showered in appreciation all week long, capped off with a fantastic lunch on Friday! Thank you to all who volunteered their time, donated items, and participated in the EPA’s fundraisers throughout the year, which helped make this week a success!

Mrs. Mikan’s class dressed in her favorite color: blue!

Our teachers took home BUCKETS full of flowers!
Last Call: Sign-Up Parties
The next two months are full of fun Sign-Up Parties for both Sparks and their parents! These parties support our annual Extravaganza initiatives including campus beautification, enhanced marketing initiatives, EPA support, and the new school library!
Sign-ups close tonight, Saturday, April 27. Click HERE to register!
Dear Families,
One thing that I think sets Embers apart from other area schools is the green space we’re fortunate to be able to make use of outdoors. Our students have close to three acres to enjoy during recess, P.E., and other special opportunities to be outside–from the playing field, to the playground, to “The Pit,” and the landing above its northwest corner.
Now that spring is finally here, families are once again starting to take advantage of the sunshine after school by staying on campus after dismissal. It’s one of my favorite things about Embers, something I love about this community. Nobody organized it–not the school, not the Parents Association, not any individual–but somehow, the playground, the field, and “The Pit,” are filled with families every single afternoon.
Maybe you’re one of the ones stopping by daily. Maybe your son or daughter has asked you to stay and play “just five more minutes.” Maybe you’re newer to our school community and still beginning to make friends. But no matter whether you’re an “old” or “new” Embers family, you’re welcome to hang out with us in “The Pit” anytime.
The school, as an institution, could formally plan a hundred events. But it’s the organic, spontaneous gatherings like this, and the friendships they lead to, that truly set this community apart.
Christopher Goffos
The Skateboarding Friar Visits Embers!
On Wednesday, Franciscan Friar, Br. Gabriel Cortes, visited our campus. “The Skateboarding Friar” delighted our Sparks with a skateboarding display while sharing his message of resilience. We should never be discouraged when we fail in living the Commandments. Get back up, and try again – just like skateboarding!
You can learn more about Br. Cortes and witness his tricks in action on his YouTube channel HERE.

5th Grade with a skateboard designed and signed by Br. Cortes.
Stage Crew is Hard At Work!
Annie Volunteer Opportunities
Fire Choir’s Annie Kids performance is only two weeks away and we could use YOUR help making it a success! Parent volunteers are needed for:
- Light Setup Duties
- Costuming / Makeup
- Pizza Party Chaperones
Click HERE to sign up for these volunteer opportunites.
God Bless our
First Communicants!
Congratulations to our Sparks who made their First Communion last Saturday. May you always know the peace of Jesus, the light of his love, and the joy of his life within you!
This year’s May Crowning will take place on Monday, May 6th. Our 2nd Grade class will lead our Sparks in the Rosary while honoring our Blessed Mother.
All our families are welcome to join us for the ceremony which begins at 10:45 in the Church.
Mark your calendars for the annual 5th Grade Wax Museum. Please note the new time and location for 2024. All parents are welcome!
Presenting the Embers Academy
Board of Directors
We are excited to announce the addition of our Board Members to the school website. Thank you to each member of our Board for helping Embers grow in strength and virtue each year!
Welcome to Our Newest Spark!
Our warmest welcome to baby Ximena Humber, born earlier this week! Congratulations go out to Howard & Maria Marta and the entire Humber family, including Embers students Francesca (4th), Pilar (2nd), and Montse (K).
Fire Choir Presents: Annie Kids
Friday, May 10 | 5:00 p.m. | Paluch Hall
All are welcome to join us for the Fire Choir’s performance of Annie Kids. You won’t want to miss this performance!
Fantastic Fridays
We’re having a fantastic end to the school year! More information can be found HERE!
- Friday, May 3 | Virtue Assembly & Spirit Day | 10:45 a.m.
- Friday, May 10 | Annie Kids musical performed by Fire Choir | 5:00-6:00 p.m.
- Friday, May 17 | 5th Grade Wax Museum | 1:00-3:00 p.m.* New time for 2024!
- Friday, May 24 | Fine Arts Fair
- Annual Spark Art Show | 12:00-3:00 p.m.
- 4th Grade Living Art Museum | 12:30-1:30 p.m.
- Embers Music Performance | 2:00-2:45 p.m.
- Friday, May 31 | Last Day of School & Field Day | 11:30 Dismissal
The Week Ahead:
Monday, April 29 – Friday, May 3
– Literacy Week
Monday, April 29
– Moms Club (7:30 p.m. | Bahjat Home)
Friday, May 3
– Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly
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