Join Singapore Math trainer, Beth Curran, as she presents the unique strengths of the Singapore Math Curriculum. Parents will learn about the program’s distinct approach which empowers students to easily and accurately perform mental math. Time for parent questions will also be available. More information is available HERE.
Your RSVP is appreciated! Click HERE to Register
Grandparent Database
Embers has always enjoyed a close relationship with the grandparents of our students and we’d love to keep in touch! We are currently updating the database of our Embers Grandparents. If you have grandparents who would like to receive our weekly Spark News email and other communication, please fill out the form below. We look forward to keeping them up-to-date with all our exciting Embers happenings!
We are excited to offer sports photos for our athletes this year! On Tuesday, October 8, VIP Photography will be on campus to take both individual and team photos for soccer and cross country. All Fall athletes are asked to wear their team jersey to school that day for photos with school-appropriate bottoms. Sports parents: please be on the lookout for additional information on how to view/order your photos. We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of all our athletes this season!
Weekly Confessions with Fr. Leo
After each all-school Mass this year, Fr. Leo will be on hand to hear confession. Parents are welcome to join us in the South Wing on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:15 a.m. to receive the sacrament.
Say Cheese!
Our Sparks are really on the move… and we want to share their adventures! We’d love to see photos of your students from:
- Sports games
- Extracurricular clubs
- Field trips
- And more!
We look forward to featuring your photos in the newsletter, social media, and yearbook! Photos can be sent to
Parent Pickleball is Next Weekend
Don’t miss this social afternoon blending good friends, delicious food, and lighthearted competition. No pickleball experience needed; come as a couple, friend duo, or single player! Registration deadline extended to Wednesday, September 25.
Basketball Registration
Basketball registration is now live for our 4th and 5th Grade students. The league has not yet set the season schedule, but we anticipate practices starting the first week of October. Registration is due by Monday, September 30. Team space is limited and we expect it to fill up quickly.
Fun Fact!
We are still seeking a few coaches and parent volunteers for both grades. Want to lend a hand? Reach out to Rob Sadlowski:
Chess Scholars Returns to Embers
Registration is currently live for our Fall session of Chess Scholars. This program, which runs after school on Tuesdays from October 15-December 17, consists of a fun, interactive teaching period followed by a guided practice time. Both beginner and experienced players are welcome! To sign up, please visit and enter course code EMB10.15.24.
Show Your Soccer Spirit Today!
Congratulations to our Spark soccer team on their 5-0 win against St. Celestine this past Sunday! This week is your final chance to catch a game as our soccer team wraps up for the season:
Saturday, September 21 | 2:00 p.m. | Ni-Ridge Park
Embers vs. Saint Paul of the Cross
- Tuesday, September 24 | 4:30 p.m. | Dunham (Robert) Park
Embers vs. St. Elizabeth
- Thursday, September 26 | 4:15 p.m. | Dunham (Robert) Park
Embers vs. St. Robert Bellarmine
- Saturday, September 28 | 10:00 a.m. | Ni-Ridge Park
Embers vs. St. John Brebeuf
Cross Country
Congratulations to Francesca Galluzzi, for medaling at last week’s cross country meet! We encourage everyone to join us at the final cross country meet of the season, this Friday, September 27!
Little Sparks in the Park
Tuesday, September 24 | 9:00-11:00a.m.
Spread the word! Little Sparks in the Park meets this Tuesday on the Embers ‘ playground. We invite children ages 0 to 5 and their parents for a lively morning playgroup! For more information, see the flier HERE.
Family Directories:
If you were unable to pick up your directory during Curriculum Night, it will be sent home in the Wednesday handouts with your youngest child.
Art Club:
Open to students in K-2nd Grade, this course will focus on the principles of art while working on exercises and projects meant to activate the brain’s right side! Class is held Mondays, 3:15-4:15 p.m. Registration due Wednesday, October 2. Click HERE for more information and to register!
Parenting the Love and Logic Way:
Embers Academy is excited to offer “Parenting the Love and Logic Way” with instructor Robert Barder! Love and Logic combines loving support from parents with the great expectation that kids will be respectful and responsible. Registration is limited.
For more information, please see the flier HERE.
To register, please click HERE.

Our Sparks say the Pledge of Allegiance during the first Virtue Assembly of the year.

5th Grade learns how to make reinforced rope during a field trip to The Grove.

2nd Graders create a model of a rainstorm in the mountains to observe how rivers form.

Our first virtue of the year, Respect & Responsibility, is presented by the 5th Grade Class.

Curriculum Night: parents are treated to many school updates, including a sneak peak of the new school library.

We were thrilled to have Drum Cafe on campus this week! Dale and Noah shared the message of unity and cooperation, which we explored through making music together.
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